Quick access

Getting Started

Step-by-step Guide

1. Download the free app “TaHoma by Somfy”

2. Follow the in-app instructions to create your account, log in, and set up your TaHoma switch.

Note that TaHoma switch setup occurs via Bluetooth and does not require internet access; however, internet access is required to download the app and create an account.

Important: On the 'After sales service' section be sure to check the 'I designate this installer as a referent, and I activate the service' in order to proceed with product setup.

3. Connect your TaHoma switch to power by either:

  • Provided power plug or
  • Provided ethernet adaptor

4. During setup via the app, you will choose one of the following two methods for TaHoma switch installation:

  • Method 1: Wi-Fi Installation (LED will blink blue when it is powered on)
  • Method 2: Ethernet (LED will not turn blue)

See the Connections and indicators section of the TaHoma switch spec sheet for more information.

Important: If the LED light does not blink blue when using Wi-Fi installation, please select the "My box does not blink blue" in your app and you will be prompted with instructions on how to proceed.

Pre-Installation Checklist

Overview of the four main buttons within your TaHoma app. My Favorites section of the TaHoma Switch app My Home screen complete with 5 rooms. Scenes and Schedules section of the TaHoma Switch app Voice Assistants section of the TaHoma Switch app for use with smart home devices

Quick App Intro

Main App Buttons

Easily navigate to the 'My Favorites', 'My Home', 'Scenes & Schedules', and 'Menu' sections of the app.

Add your favorite Somfy devices to 'My Favorites' section for easy access, create your rooms in 'My Home', create custom schedules in 'Scenes & Schedules' , and get all your important device information from the 'Menu'.

Quick App Intro

My Favorites

Easily designate the devices you use most often as Favorites and access them all in one place. Customize the display of your rooms and devices in-app as well choose an icon to uniquely represent each room.

Quick App Intro

My Home

Add your devices and group them into rooms all in one convenient place. Personalize each room in your home with its own name, color, and icon.

Quick App Intro

Scenes & Schedules

'Scenes' allow you to completely open all shades in a room or set them to open to a 'my' favorite position for maximum personalized comfort. Create your own routine in 'Schedules' to open shades during the day, close them at night, simulate your presence at home while on vacation, and much more.

Quick App Intro


Access all of your account, system, and installler information through the 'Menu' option. Here you can partner other systems with your devices including smart home tools and other third party integrations to fit your needs.

Creating 'My Favorites'

Quickly access your rooms and devices by adding them to your favorites

A completed 'My Favorites' section

Select between three options of displaying your rooms and devices

Easily move the icons of your favorite items and customize how you want your favorite screen to appear

Creating 'My home'

Add your equipment and create rooms to control your Somfy devices by room groupings

Select from the list of room names or create your own

Customize room settings like Name, Color, Icon or Equipment

Select from a list of 25 available icons

See all of your rooms in one convenient place

Creating 'Scenes'

Create scenes and schedules and/or enjoy the pre-set ‘Thermal Comfort’ scene

Create scenes to open all shades completely or move to ‘my’ favorite position with a single tap on the app or button located on the TaHoma switch

Select from list of suggested scenes or create your own

Easily create from manual scenes, schedules or advanced scenes, etc.

Creating 'Schedules'

Easily create from manual scenes, schedules or advanced scenes etc.

Create schedules to open shades or move to 'my' position in the morning and close them during the evening

Get peace of mind by creating advanced scenes like ‘Presence Simulation’ and 'Planned Actions' while on vacation

Easily manage your vacation schedules

'Menu' and Integrations

Access important information like your Account, System, Your Installer and more through the 'Menu' button

Pair partner systems with your device

Add Voice Assistance like Amazon Alexa, Apple Home or Google Assistant

Add third-party integrations