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Ref. : 2000772

DMI5 10Nm 12rpm 120V

MOTOR DMI5 10NM/12RPM-120/60-C2,5M WHITE

  • Warranty : 5 years
Embedded technologies


Embedded Technologies

Act For Green cycle
The carbon impact of the DMI5 10Nm 12rpm 120V is 42.9kg of CO2

What is the carbon footprint?

The carbon footprint calculates the greenhouse gas emissions over the entire life cycle of a product, from the extraction of raw materials to the end of its life. This calculation is based on a recognised international standard (ISO 14025) and is externally checked by Bureau Veritas.

Accessories 58 product(s)

Technical characteristics


Protection Index IP 44


Consumption during operation 80 W
Power supply AC - RGE 2 - 120V/60HZ

Documents and links

Act for Green documents