03-20-2017 Smart Home by Morgan Glennon Stay Cool With Somfy-powered Motorized Awnings Stay cool! Have you ever planned to spend some quality time relaxing outdoors, only to be driven in by the sun? Have you invited over family and friends for an outdoor party only to see everyone retreat indoors with a sunburn? You might have a great outdoor space, but in the hottest months it just gets too toasty to enjoy. With motorized awnings, powered by Somfy, you can now take back your great outdoors. Throw that outdoor party, catch up on that bestseller and just enjoy your time outside without the sun beating down. Awnings can even reduce heat gain in your home by up to 77% according to the Department of Energy. Adding a motorized awning to your backyard or outdoor space can mean more time spent enjoying some fresh air for your family, friends and even your pets! Happify your home with Somfy motorized awnings; all it takes is one touch and you'll have it made in the shade! Find out more Categories Smart Home Tags happify video Please accept cookies to leave a comment Accept cookies Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.